Fairlawn – Restoring the Splendor
by Tom Davis
Restoring the Splendor
This book chronicles the sage — rags-to-riches — of what is now acknowledged as one of the finest historic museums in the Midwest. From its Gilded Age beginnings to its long period of service as a children’s home, from its near-demolition in the early 1960s to the massive multiyear effort that culminated in its return to grandeur, the story of Fairlawn is a richly textured tapestry replete with drama, human interest, and countless fascinating details. It is a story of perseverance, too, of daunting challenges met and mastered, and of the hundreds of fiercely dedicated people who lent their time, talent, and energy to help realize a shared vision. The restoration of the Fairlawn mansion was a dream held in common — but it was a decidedly uncommon dream.
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